I Am Here To Help You…
Right Now
I’m sending you this note today – because I thought of you this morning – and I know things should be better for you –
Thankfully, they soon will be.
A “cosmic window” has just opened for you – and because of this rare event – the positive light swirling in the near and distant universe can be directed to you like a beam of luck – capable of changing your life, your love, your wealth and your happiness.
As the world’s foremost light medium – I promise this is very rare and very real… that’s why I am willing to help you right now – for free –
By giving you:
YOUR FREE Heavenly Forces Reading
Let me harness the POWER of the POSITIVE LIGHT in the Universe
FOR YOU… and I will…
bring together the kind and commanding forces that will become
YOUR Personal GUIDING “Beings of Light”…
So you can have the happiness and success you deserve.
YOUR FREE Positive Energy Analysis
Let me do YOUR personal evaluation – For FREE…
So I can show YOU exactly how YOU can…
Channel ALL the POSITIVE ENERGY in the universe DIRECTLY…
Without interference!
YOUR FREE Talisman
And finally, as my GIFT to you…
Let me give you an Ancient Talisman…
So with it, you will have, for the next For 7 Days…
Absolute Protection From Negative Forces & Negative Energy!
I promise you – and Guarantee You –
THIS is the answer…. YOUR Answer
The Light of The Universe will change your life! I promise.
But don’t wait…
Because your “cosmic window” can close at any moment…
Now is the time…
Let me channel
The POWER of Luck…